
The Black & Pink National REAP (Restore. Embolden. Amplify. Power.) Program focuses on addressing the difficult issues faced by LGBTQIA2S+ formerly incarcerated people when they exit incarceration and reenter community, including inaccess to safe housing, medical care, employment, and self-development.

program goals

  • Strengthen community-based services that uplift and affirm queer and transgender formerly incarcerated people.
  • Build a new vision for what reentry programming looks like across the country.


The R.E.A.P. Program serves to strengthen community-based programming that LGBTQIA2S+ people feel is supportive and affirming, decrease the numbers of LGBTQIA2S+ people reentering the Nebraska criminal legal system at the city, county, and state level, and create opportunities for formerly incarcerated people to create a quality of life that they dictate without barriers or ceilings.


  • Strengthen community-based services that uplift and affirm queer and transgender formerly incarcerated people.
  • Build a new vision for what reentry programming looks like in the Midwest, and across the country.
  • See the number of LGBTQIA2S+ people entering the prison system decline.
  • Intentionally support more formerly incarcerated people to do direct service work and placed in leadership roles through program hiring practices.
  • Spread the R.E.A.P. Program throughout the US among all Black & Pink Chapters.
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