Resource Guide

If there are any additional resources that you think should be added to this page please contact us.

Resources, National 

  • Privacy
    • Signal – State-of-the-art end-to-end encryption (powered by the open source Signal Protocol) keeps your conversations secure. 
    • Proton Mail
  • Gender-affirming health care

Resources, South

    • My Sisters House, Memphis – We provide support services for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault services in Nash and Edgecombe counties.
    • Sisters PGH, Pittsburgh – SisTers PGH is a BLACK and TRANS-led non-profit organization which serves POC, trans, and nonbinary people within Southwestern PA.
    • TRANScending barriers, Atlanta – TRANScending Barriers is a black trans-led grassroots 501c3 non-profit organization that serves the transgender and gender non-conforming 
    • Unspoken Treasure Society, Florida – We exist to inspire, empower, uplift, and create platforms to give a voice to voiceless Transgender and Gender Non-conforming persons of marginalized communities.
    • WeCareTN, Memphis - We Care TN supports Black transwomen who do sex work and use drugs through education and empowerment with the goal that they have the same equity and quality of life as envisioned.
    • Sisters PGH,  Pittsburgh -  SisTers PGH is a BLACK and TRANS-led non-profit organization which serves POC, trans, and nonbinary people within Southwestern PA.
    • TRANScending barriers, Atlanta – TRANScending Barriers is a black trans-led grassroots 501c3 non-profit organization that serves the transgender and gender non-conforming community in Georgia.

Resources, East 

  • Chase Brexton Health Care, Maryland – Services: sexual health, HIV treatment & prevention, transgender health, gender affirming care, medications, labs, therapy
  • COIN Clinic at Callen-Lorde, New York, NY – Services: sexual health, HIV treatment & prevention, transgender health, GYN care, medications, labs. “Holistic” approach to services for sex workers with a focus on the dignity of every client.
  • HIPS, Washington, DC – Services: syringe exchange and disposal, overdose education and prevention, safer sex materials, linkage to care, shower facilities and toiletries, peer support groups, primary care, behavioral health services
  • Mazzoni center, Philadelphia PA
  • Open Door Health, Providence, RI – Services: Monkeypox, primary care, STI and HIV/AIDS services, gender affirming care, youth services, and telemedicine.
  • Project Weber/RENEW, Providence, RI – Services: Narcan/Naloxone, needle exchange, fentanyl strips, safer use supplies, recovery support, HIV & Hep C testing/care, safer sex supplies, PrEP navigation, medical insurance navigation, medical care referral.
    • Project Weber, a subproject of Project Weber/RENEW, was created by and for male sex workers. They provide relevant services for men.
  • SWAN (Sex Workers and Allies Network), New Haven, CT – Services: Narcan/Naloxone, syringe exchange, safer sex supplies, fentanyl strips, safer use IDU kits, safer use crack cocaine smoking kits
  • Whitman-Walker, Washington, DC – Services: sexual health, HIV treatment & prevention, transgender health, gender affirming care, medications, labs

Resources, West

Resources, Midwest

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